Our Story

Story Telling and anti-racism work brought the Our Race team together. Through our combined experiences across the arts, community, academia, government and advocacy we realised there was a need to highlight and address the power imbalances that occur in Story Telling and community engagement practices across society.

We believe that lived experience is the highest level of knowledge and build all of our work from that standpoint, starting with the strength and examples of First Nations' Story Telling. We honour and prioritise cultural knowledge and safety, which guides our approach to transformative, ethical Story Telling.

We are committed to an anti-racist, intersectional approach, valuing  genuine engagement, reflection, critique and continual improvement.

We recognise the importance of individual wellbeing and safety in Story Telling, as well as the context within which it is told. We believe that individual Stories can add to or challenge mainstream narratives and we are committed to advocating for excluded and marginalised Story Holders.

​Through a collaborative model of engagement we provide spaces, in person and online, where we can confront racist and other oppressive practices through education, capacity building, democratising information and encouraging a transformational, ethical Story Telling and engagement approach.

Meet the Team

We are an anti-racist Story Telling social enterprise who take a collaborative approach to creating safe, ethical Story Telling processes across media, arts, marketing and communications, research through to advocacy and community engagement. Our variety of experiences and collaborative approach, allows us to work towards the same goal: flipping the power of Story Telling together.


We pay the Rent. We acknowledge we are on First Nations Land and believe we all have a role in reparations and justice.


We value lived experiences as the highest level of expertise. Our team will always reflect this.


We believe in transformative justice and change. We won't tick boxes!


We don't just talk about cultural safety, we practice it.


We value and encourage creativity and collaboration as part of our ongoing learning journey. 

Our Values

  • “I am not used to studying the subject as I am always seen to be the subject. By participating in Our Race workshops I realised that I am not their subject”

    -Workshop participant

  • “The Working with Story Holders Workshop was a mind opener for me. It made me understand the value of a story holder, their rights, the need for their empowerment and the ethics around engaging with them. Very often our clients share their stories with us, either intentionally or unintentionally and from this training I have come to understand that it is our responsibility as an organisation to make sure our engagement with the clients as they share their stories, is respectful and ethical. I recommend this training for other organisations and individuals, including potential story holders themselves."


  • “We really enjoyed the workshop and know it was super eye opening for the cohort! As one of them said, it wasn't something they'd actually thought of yet, so we're so glad you were able to open their eyes to these things at this early stage in their career. Hopefully with this new understanding and awareness will empower them to stand up for themselves and their stories in this big, sometimes scary, space we call the Arts.” ​

    Workshop participant