Power to the Story Holder

Our Race continues to break the cycle of green washing, rainbow washing & other forms of Story washing by revealing & addressing exploitative & extractive practices through a shared commitment to safe, ethical Story Telling.

Our Race - Who Gets To Tell the Story?

Did you know that Story Telling can harm people, place and planet?

Historically, Stories have been used to maintain systems of oppression, perpetuating practices which exclude many of our lived experiences. Unsafe, unethical Story Telling occurs even amongst groups with the best of intentions, leading to Story Washing.

WHO is impacted and HOW?

  • WHO

    Historically excluded people

    Systemically impacted people

    People with lived experiences

    People subjected to high levels of discrimination

  • HOW

    Denied information

    Denied rights


    Inadequately supported

    Under acknowledged



“I am not used to studying the subject as I am always seen to be the subject. Participating in Our Race workshops I realised that I am not their subject.”

Story Caretakers empower
Story Holders to create, curate and control their Stories on their terms.

  • IMPLEMENT OUR T.E.S.T. Framework

    T.E.S.T. is an anti-oppressive framework which aims to flip the Story Telling balance of power, where each person’s rights and needs - regardless of their race, ethnicity, language, age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, health, ability, economic status or background – must be respected.

  • ENGAGE US IN Collaborative Consult

    Our collaborative consulting prioritises the experiences of individuals who are significantly impacted by Australian workplace practices. We collaborate with organisations to reflect upon, review, and transform their story-telling approach, prioritising the interests of the communities whose stories are being told. Our services are based on our TEST framework, which includes cultural audits and strategies for cultural and community engagement and policies.

  • BOOK OR ATTEND A Story Caretaker Workshop

    We develop all our workshops with the aim of creating meaningful, transformative change. We are not here to tick boxes or provide palatable answers which create more harm to traditionally excluded communities. Instead our objective is to design and develop workshops as part of a broader strategy to address systems of oppression.

Your story is important.
Your story has value. You are the expert.

  • ATTEND A Story Holder Workshop

    Story Holders have historically been excluded and commodified for their Stories. The goal of these workshops is to equip you with the knowledge and tools to better advocate for creative control and ownership of your Story. These workshops are FREE for all Story Holders as we believe it is the responsibility of Story Partners to provide this training.

  • BE EMPOWERED Support & Resources

    We seek to flip the prevailing power imbalance of our social environment through the development of tools and techniques to enable Story Holders to be the creators and directors of their own stories thereby deriving the maximum benefit from the process.

  • JOIN OUR COMMUNITY Story Telling Circle

    The Story Telling Circle is a place for reading and sharing stories.

Story Caretakers in the making...

Story Telling Circle

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