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Statement of Solidarity with Palestine While Challenging Performative, Conditional Allyship

As the Israeli government and its military commit genocide on the Palestinian people there can be no such thing as social impact storytelling which ignores this and the ways in which these stories are being covered or not.

We have used our social media platform over the last month to highlight and amplify Palestinian voices and their allies and we ask you to do the same. Being silent now about this makes you complicit. Which side of history will you be on?

We write this piece in three parts:

1. A statement of solidarity with the Palestinian people and others already putting pressure on governments, corporations and institutions, educating their friends and family and making statements of solidarity, despite the fears of losing their livelihoods.

2. To challenge those who have been wearing the ally badge proudly for some time, but are silent right now.

3. Actions you can take to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people.

Part 1- Our statement of solidarity

We stand in solidarity with all Palestinians and pay tribute to their bravery, creativity, and resistance. We acknowledge their deep connection to their ancestral lands, and their unwavering determination to persevere and speak out, even in the face of Israel's genocide and apartheid.

Part 2- Performative, Conditional Allyship

You can’t talk about ethical storytelling, social impact storytelling, anti-racism storytelling without discussing the state of storytelling right now. The hypocrisy is in plain sight yet the silence is deafening.

So if you proclaim to be an “ally” yet are silent on your social media, at your events and conferences, what will it take for you to demonstrate genuine allyship?

At this point we must acknowledge power and positionality as there are people at greater risk of speaking out publicly and may be required to self-censor. We have already witnessed people's livelihoods significantly impacted by speaking out. However, it's deeply disquieting that those individuals and organisations who profit from the stories and experiences of refugees, and possess significant platforms, remain conspicuously silent while we confront a refugee crisis born out of genocide and oppression.

And for those looking at their social media or reading newsletters from social impact, purpose-led and storytelling organisations, ask yourself are they a true ally or is their allyship performative and conditional? Are they prioritising profits over human rights? Are their actions dependent upon sponsorship and funding opportunities?

We acknowledge we still need to be talking about the work we are doing, but are conscious that the priority must be to use our platforms for SOLIDARITY AND TO STAND UP FOR HUMAN RIGHTS AND INTERNATIONAL LAW.

Part 3- Take Action

Apart from the simple task of using your social media platform to educate and inform there are multiple things you can do to support Palestine and be part of a growing voice to call for a ceasefire. See below the multiple actions which Australia Palestine Advocacy Network (APAN) have provided:


  • Connect with your local solidarity group and support their initiatives

  • Take to the streets! Join local rallies and other solidarity events for Palestine

  • Organise vigils, sit-ins, speak outs, and protests.

  • If you’re a union member, reach out to your union and request they issue a statement demanding an immediate ceasefire. Sign the union members in solidarity with Palestine petition

  • If you’re a university student, ask your student bodies to organise a national day of action across universities, calling for an immediate ceasefire and end to the siege on Gaza.

Being visible in your solidarity!

  • Make your support visible, loud and clear by wearing your kuffiyeh, Palestine solidarity t-shirt, Palestine badges and stickers

  • Have conversations with your family and friends.


Politicians have told us they've never seen a wave of community pressure like there has been this month - let's keep it up! Have you already sent an email to your local MP? Next steps are to:

  • Call or visit your MP's office calling on them to join calls for a ceasefire

  • Email your Local Councilors calling on them to join calls for a ceasefire

  • Email your Premier calling on them to join calls for a ceasefire

  • Call the Foreign Minister - ask her to call for a ceasefire (02) 6277 7500

Online presence

Keep spreading the word and sharing news from Palestine, by posting updates on your platforms. Follow Palestinian journalists online, especially Palestine-based accounts and amplify their message. Here are some suggestions for Instagram:











Support Palestinian Local Businesses

Support list of local businesses posted by Welcome Merchant (link downloads PDF)

Connect to Free Palestine Printing for Palestine t-shirts, posters, flags.

Targeted Boycotts

The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS) encourages the continued pressure on those who support Israel's genocidal war against Palestinians in Gaza. BDS Australia has a campaign targeting Puma and an easy online tool to make sure your superannuation isn't funding Israeli apartheid.

Giving money

APAN is working double time to advocate for political change - online actions; supporting Palestinians to get their voices in the media; boosting online work; lobbying parliamentarians and supporting the amazing grassroots networks. All this costs money and we're working harder than ever.

Some humanitarian organisations we recommend:

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