Join us for an evening of music, art, poetry and storytelling where we invite the many beautiful communities living in and around Meanjin to come together in a space where Story Holders (people with lived experiences) can share and connect with one another using the principles of Transformational Ethical Story Telling developed by Our Race Community.
We will be showcasing amazing artists and performers who will tell their stories their way and inviting you to engage and connect in solidarity for oppressed peoples from the local to the global.
Tickets are free with options to donate when booking your ticket and at the event with all funds going to our Story Holder Fund*.
Program breakdown:
Inspired words of strength & solidarity by community speakers and advocates
Live performances by musicians from First Nations and refugee backgrounds
Art works from local creatives
A delicious meal provided by Mu'ooz restaurant ( a not for profit supporting refugee women into employment)
If you would like to participate in the event, support the organising team or to donate, please contact us : or We welcome your voice and input.
This event has been supported by the Queensland African Communities Council, Tatak and a grant from Multicultural Affairs Queensland.
* Our Story Holder Fund is a fund set aside for Artists of Colour who perform at our events where no other funding is available. We are committed to centring and amplifying voices of those who have been historically excluded and ensuring their craft and artistry are respected and honoured, including being paid fairly.